Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Doctor Who Series 5 Five inch action figures

 With so many figures being released it's easy to lose track of what you've got and what you haven't. Usually Wave 1 is relased and then any new figures are released in Wave 2 but not this time around as 4 new figures have been added plus special Comic Con sets and twin packs. Click read more for well more!

Doctor Who Series 5 5 inch figures the releases so far.........

Crash Set 
The Doctor- With Sonic Screwdriver
Raggedy Doctor

Wave 1
The Doctor- With Sonic Screwdriver
Amy Pond
Peter the Winder
Professor Edwin Bracewell- With damaged hand accessory and robot chest accessory
Proffesor Edwin Bracwell- With Black glove
Ironside WW2 Dalek
Ironside WW2 Dalek- Variant 2
Red Drone Dalek
Blue Scientist Dalek
Weeping Angel- Regenerating 
Weeping Angel- Regenerated 
Weeping Angel- Looped

 Comic Con Exclusive Figures- Available in some stores and areas
The Doctor- With closed screwdriver Shirt no Tweed Jacket-and Orange Scientist Dalek- Buy

Any questions about these figures or if you have something to add please leave a comment. Thanks to The Doctor Who Site for the images.

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